Saturday, September 24, 2011

Cry for Escape (a life moment)

There are some situations you can't escape, places you want to leave and you cant for the sake of others.
Why is it we cry out for help so often? why do we feel bad for ourselves and ask for help when we really don't want it?
Being humans we run from our problems, the packed bag begging for attention, the eager feet waiting for their cue?
since i was nine i found myself at the front door with my hand pressed against the glass, plotting my escape.
I don't know what i would do if my call for help was answered, i just know i need it.
I don't know what i would do if i got my escape, i just know i need it.

Then the question appears as in fog as you breath on the glass,

"do you really need it? or should you be the one to do the rescuing?"

Do i need to be protected? or am i just like every other girl, begging to be saved from problems that just aren't important.

am i just a like every girl screaming inside for the knight to show up, but insists I'm fine and try to rescue myself?
Why do we mask these cries with a plead not to worry, and hope they'll not see through our own shield, and even worse, why do we fall asleep when our pleading works.

without the answers i refuse to be my own hero and walk back up the stairs, leaving the crime scene, with the knowledge that in a few moments I'll be the criminal who left my fingerprints on the door....

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